
Showing posts from February, 2018

Giuliani: we have legit, strong, Democratic alternative in Iran,

Giuliani: we have legit, strong, Democratic alternative in Iran, @Maryam_Rajavi . we should give them recognition! #Iran Briefing @PressClubDC to discuss Iran Uprising: Call for Regime Change & U.S. Policy Options. #Iranprotests @nikkihaley #Amnesty #IranProtest 0:11 319 views 10:16 AM - 28 Feb 2018  from  Washington, DC

US Ambassador to the United Nations #NikkiHaley

US Ambassador to the United Nations # NikkiHaley slammed the world body’s Human Rights Council, saying it should be “ashamed” for inviting an #Iran 'ian minister, sanctioned for known #humanrights violations, to speak at the council’s annual meeting in Geneva. #1988Massacre 5:42 AM - 27 Feb 2018

Criticism Increases over Iranian Justice Minister Speech to Human Rights Council

Criticism Increases over Iranian Justice Minister Speech to Human Rights Council Posted ,  2018-02-23 Via WN   SMS this page   Email this page There was plenty of initial outrage and protest over the invitation being extended to the Iranian Minister of Justice Ali Reza Avaei to speak in front of the United Nations Human Rights Council on February 27. That outrage has grown from members of the Iranian Resistance to others throughout Europe and other countries. Avaei was blacklisted by the  European Union in 2011  for human rights violations, arbitrary arrests, increasing executions in the country, and the abuse of prisoners’ rights. In spite of this, he is still being allowed to travel into Switzerland, which is not part of the EU. While his horrific human rights record has been used as a reason why he should not be allowed to speak, it is not uncommon for diplomats from dictatorships to address the Human Rights Council. F...

Nous demandons la libération des prisonniers du soulèvement,

Nous demandons la libération des prisonniers du soulèvement, la liberté d'expression et de réunion et la fin de la répression des femmes et du voile obligatoire. Pour réaliser ces objectifs, nous avons besoin du soutien de chacune et chacun d'entre vous. #IranProtests #Iran Translate from French 3:29 AM - 27 Feb 2018


#Iran #News : #RUSSIA STANDS BY IRAN WHILE #EUROPE AND THE #US STRUGGLE TO FIND COMMON CAUSE https:// ia-stands-by-iran-while-europe-and-the-us-struggle-to-find-common-cause.html   … #FreeIran #Iranprotests #FreeAllProtesters 6:41 AM - 28 Feb 2018


DO NOT LET THE CRIMINALS INTO INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS   Created: 24 February 2018 ‌By Mahdavi Nasim For the victims of violence and crimes against humanity , Tuesday 27 of the February is a bitter and painful day because the Human Rights Council, which is supposed to monitor the human rights situation in the world and defend the rights of the suppressed people, is going to  host One of the worst criminals in the world, the documents of the criminality's participation in genocide and aggression against humanity are publicly available. It is very disappointing for victims of crimes around the world that the Human Rights Council will host a criminal To understand more, a look at the background of Alireza Avaei reminds us that the world should not be a safe place for criminals and be welcomed as champions in International and Human Rights Committees. The task of human rights organizations and crime victims is to push the United Nations and European countries t...

#Iranian community in #Switzerland, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI),

#Iranian community in # Switzerland, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on Tuesday held a rally in front of the #UN Headquarters in Geneva against Alireza #Avaei , Justice Minster of the clerical regime, at the #HumanRights Council. #1988Massacre 0:45 97 views 2:30 AM - 28 Feb 2018

Iran: Massenverbrecher Avaei bei UN in Genf

Iran: Massenverbrecher Avaei bei UN in Genf Skandal -  Mullah-Justizminister tritt trotz weltweiter Proteste im UN Menschenrechtsrat auf. Gebt nicht denen die Ehre, die gegen die Menschenrechte verstoßen! Javad Dabiran  |  Community Teilen:       Bei diesem Beitrag handelt es sich um ein Blog aus der Freitag-Community Ein Krieg ist schlimm, ein Bürgerkrieg ist furchtbar, der Krieg in Syrien ist nur noch grauenvoll. Die Allianzen wechseln, mancherorts bekämpfen sich Gruppen, die woanders koalieren – wer blickt da noch durch?! Und mittendrin „leben“ Zivilisten unter ständiger Todesangst. Als syrische Truppen und ihre Verbündeten den Osten der Stadt Ghouta angriffen, starben allein an einem Tag hunderte Zivilpersonen, darunter viele Kinder. Schon im Jahre 2013 waren hier durch den Einsatz von Sarin etwa 1.500 Menschen getötet worden. Die blutigen Gesichter kleiner Kinder sind in diesem schändlichen Krieg, der von Bashar Assad, seine...

#Iran's Supreme Leader Blames "Enemy Plot" as Workers Protest Unpaid Wages

#Iran 's Supreme Leader Blames "Enemy Plot" as Workers Protest Unpaid Wages In the heat of momentous labour protests and debate over setting a minimum wage, Ali #Khamenei has accused “enemies” of fomenting discord among Iran’s work force. #IranProtests 0:41 120 views 2:48 AM - 28 Feb 2018

Maryam Rajavi’s message to #Women’s Conference at the #UK Parliament

More Maryam Rajavi’s message to # Women’s Conference at the # UK Parliament In a video message to a conference at the UK Parliament 27 February on the occasion of the # InternationalWomensDay , Maryam Rajavi described the leading role of women in protests, which started in late... #Iran 0:41 116 views 5:41 AM - 28 Feb 2018

#Iran Regime’s Official: Tehran holds 25000 Cardboard Sleepers,

#Iran Regime’s Official: Tehran holds 25000 Cardboard Sleepers, Homeless and Beggars A #Tehran municipality official says the number of homeless people, cardboard sleepers&beggars in the city has reached 25,000&21,000 have also been imprisoned in this metropolis. #IranProtests 0:37 100 views 5:50 AM - 28 Feb 2018

#Iran, More than 3 months after

More # Iran , More than 3 months after the # Kermanshah earthquake, Iranian regime refuse to provide trailers for earthquake victims. Children are the most vulnerable. #IranProtests 12:28 PM - 27 Feb 2018

Giuliani: we have legit, strong, Democratic alternative in Iran,

Giuliani: we have legit, strong, Democratic alternative in Iran, @Maryam_Rajavi . we should give them recognition! #Iran Briefing @PressClubDC to discuss Iran Uprising: Call for Regime Change & U.S. Policy Options. #Iranprotests @nikkihaley #Amnesty #IranProtest 0:11 98 views 10:16 AM - 28 Feb 2018  from  Washington, DC