MARYAM RAJAVI’S FIGHT AGAINST FUNDAMENTALISM INU- The people of Iran are currently suffering under a fundamentalist government, which acts as a model for other fundamentalist groups to follow and has become the number one source for terrorism and war in the Middle East and around the world. However, there is a great solution to the Iranian regime and the problems that they cause, which is increasing support for Maryam Rajavi and the Iranian Resistance. Maryam Rajavi is the president-elect of the Iranian Resistance, who opposes the fundamentalism of the mullahs and wants to bring freedom and democracy to Iran. In a statement published on her website , Maryam Rajavi makes it clear that the conflict between fundamentalism and freedom is not a matter of religion or an East v West situation. Instead, fundamentalism is the result of a dictatorship that subjugates and oppresses its people. Maryam Rajavi makes it clear that this is in no way something that is inherent in the Iran...