Paulo Casaca Endorses the Free Iran Gathering in Villepinte, Paris
Paulo Casaca Endorses the Free Iran Gathering in Villepinte, Paris

IRAN -- paulo casaca, prominent political analyst and former member of European Parliament from Portugal has sent a message of solidarity in support of the Iranian opposition grand gathering on July 1in Villepinte, Paris.
Mr. paulo casaca:
Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening to all extended family of Friends of Free Iran. We are almost on July the 1st that will be the celebration of great gathering of Iranian family. This year is not just one more year because a lot of things happened. Our dear friends are not anymore hostage of the Iranian regime is the so-called camp Liberty. They are free around the world and most of them are in Tirana, Albania.
There is the American President that is finally confronting the Iranian regime and more and more people and movements around the world mainly in the Arab world that are reacting against the regime’s aggression and tyranny of the Iranian regime that supports all sort of destabilization.
So, we are not anymore trying to defend ourselves for example against being labeled the friends of terrorists but exactly on the opposite. We are calling for the Iranian revolutionary guards to be listed as a terrorist organization which they are.
We are denouncing the Iranian regime’s expansionism agenda and its crimes within its border against human rights of Iranian people and its crimes against the environment and the livelihood, its crimes in its neighbourhood mainly in Iraq, Syria and Yemen where like Daesh (ISIS) commit horrific crimes against humanity. And we are closer and closer to a day when a celebration will be done not in Paris but in Tehran.
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