Iran: Parents of political prisoner assaulted and harassed by the intelligence agents

Iran: Parents of political prisoner assaulted and harassed by the intelligence agents

Parents of political prisoner
The plain cloths of Iranian intelligence minister assaulted, harassed and verbally abused the parents of Kurdish political prisoner Ramin Hussein Panahi as they arrived in Sanandaj, capital of Iranian Kurdistan Province on October 29, 2017.
They were referring to the regime’s Intelligence Office to ask for their son’s whereabouts and protest to his imminent execution.
The intelligence agents told the couple that even God cannot save their son and he will be executed soon.
The parents were also threatened that if they are not silent, their whole family will be arrested and executed.
On October 26, the Iranian Regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, addressing the family member of a political prisoner after 124 days, announced that he has been detained by the Ministry and will be executed soon.
The political prisoner, Ramin Hossein Panahi, was arrested on June 23, 2017, after being shot by three bullets by the Revolutionary Guards and transferred to un unknown location. Shortly after, he was transferred to the Intelligence detention center and underwent torture and interrogation while still wounded.
Eventually, after releasing no news about the fate of this political prisoner for four months and his family’s frequent pursuit, the Ministry of Intelligence told Ramin’s mother and sister that he was arrested by the ministry.
They told his family: “He will not be transferred to anywhere else, and he will not be allowed to have visits and you should just wait to receive the news about his execution and burial at.
According to reports, after this news, Ramin’s mother collapsed and fell unconscious and transferred to the hospital.
According to another report, Ramin’s brother, Afshin Hossein Panahi, was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison by the regime’s judiciary in the city of Sanandaj. The civil activist, who has a history of cooperation with environmental institutions, has been sentenced on charges of holding the Nowruz ceremony and cooperating with a Kurdish party.
Afshin Hussein Panahi was arrested on June 26 this year after his brother, Ramin, was arrested in his house.


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